
What is Under Pressure?

The Under Pressure methodology is developed in the context of the PEGAP education project. PEGAP (Peer Education and Gamification Against Polarisation) is a European project, co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and Fonds21. The programme and methodology were developed and tested in the Netherlands by Diversion and DROG, and will be implemented in several European countries after the testing phase.

The Under Pressure pilot-programme started late 2019 on a selection of secondary schools and vocational education facilities in the Netherlands. After completion of this programme, the developed and improved methodology will be transferred to the European partner organisations, who will implement the Under Pressure programme in their respective countries. In Germany this will be executed by the Schwarzkopf Stiftung, in Sweden by Fryshuset, and in other EU member states and on policylevel by AEGEE. Additionally, the methodology will be academically evaluated by Dr. Thomas Nygren, leading academic in the field of media literacy, at the University of Uppsala.

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